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    Dear Wai Dung,

    How are you?  I am sorry to trouble you.  

    I (or should be considered as we) have a problem that you may be able to        resolve.  Recently using the Jiapu address, I sent an email message to Tak Wai  of the Jinan office about the information of a pilgrimage trip of North America kin members.  I got a number of new messages with attachments as replies and    one of them I think was from our honorable Tak Yung.  But the system blocked    each as if they were with virus. Therefore I cannot read nor download the       attachment. I do not think they are viral messages but due to different         software systems.

    I understand, the system is using 8 bits in English and 16 bits in Chinese.     Therefore there is always a problem in sending Chinese messages, even in        America and certainly to other part of the world too.  At the beginning, I      tried to type messages (in English and in Chinese) directly to our Kong’s      website by the Microsoft Word doc file/system, and they were rejected by your   Website instantly.  Finally I find out that I have to save my draft as a text   file ( known as Rich Text File, rtf) and then paste it on your web.  Your       system accepted messages either in Chinese or in English in this way. (Although it is more convenient for me to write in English by the keyboard, I still would publish messages in Chinese to our kin members in China, about our current      activities in North America.)

    To communicate with Tak Yung, normally I prepare a pictorial file (jpg or pdf)  first and then send it as an attachment to Hong Kong. I am a biochemist but an  illiterate in the Computer field.  I would like to ask your expert opinion, can something be setup (as a page or an attachment or as anything ) so that         overseas Chinese can communicate with Jinan and Hong Kong offices confidentially (including planning, discussions, suggestions, or in short, writings not ready to be announced yet ) in the Kong’s website instead of the commercial        systems.  It looks likely the current commercial systems (such as Yahoo or AOL  etc) would not be able to handle such problem.

    If you want to contact me personally, I could be reached b                      nynjkungs@Yahoo.com  or  hin_hung@Yahoo.com.

    Thank you very much.

    Hin Cheung.  

    PS.  You may know I am commissioned to handle the genealogical issues in USA.   An easy way to communicate will be good for us.
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          Dear Wai Dung,

          How are you?  I am sorry to trouble you.  

          I (or should be considered as we) ha...[/QUOTE]

          I think the antivirus software or firewall just tries to block any attachment with email message. I had such problem before too. If you don't have other antivirus software, you can open the attachments by trying to forward the message. The best way is find a better antivirus software.

          I assume you are using a Chinese platform on your Windows 98. If you can update your system to Windows XP, you can avoid such problems.Windows XP supports more languages much better than Windows 98.
          谱名:孔祥东| 衢州派五支 子宣公后 | 新浪博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/xiangdong75    
          • 头像
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            • 会员荣誉会员
            • 积分217
            • 经验6733
            • 文章135
            • 注册2005-01-10
            Thanks for your advice.
            Hin Cheung.
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              • 积分7367
              • 经验103783
              • 文章6291
              • 注册2003-09-18
              I hope that you can paste in Chinese here as soon as possible.
              谱名:孔祥东| 衢州派五支 子宣公后 | 新浪博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/xiangdong75    
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