Because of the appointment of Confucius in the Lo dukedom, the Chaai state was worried that they would be attacked with the rising of the Lo. They sent a female musical group to Lord Ding and Gwai Woon Ji, (季桓子the Prime Minister). Gwai Woon Ji accepted this female musical group from Chaai, and absented from his office for three days. Since his political ideology was not accepted, Confucius led Yan Yuen , Ji Lo, Ji Gong , Yim Yau, and about ten other disciples to leave his home town, starting his fourteen years of unsteady wondering life, the well known and so called States Visiting Trip of Confucius. At that time, Confucius was 55 years old already. He arrived the Dukedom of Wei. At the beginning, Confucius received high level of receptions from Lord Ling, Duke of Wei. Later he was spied; he left to the state of Chan to avoid imposed accusations. At the time passing by Hong (匡地), they were surround for five days. After the release, they wanted to go to Jun (晋) originally en-routed by Po (蒲); it was interrupted due to the revolt in Jun. They returned to Wei. He visited Nan Ji (南子), the Duchess of Wei; because of this visit, he was criticized and commented. Lord Ling lost his interest to rule, so he did not appointed Confucius to any offices. Confucius expressed that ‘ if I were appointed, I can have some result by a month and achieve the goal by three years.’ Then Wei was in revolt, Confucius left Wei to Sung (宋), passing by Cho(曹). Woon Fooi, the Director of Military of Sung state (宋司马桓魁) wanted to kill him. Confucius changed his attire to escape from Sung to Chan (陈), passing by Jeng (郑) (these are small feudal states). He was 60 years old by now. After that he went back and forth between Chan and Choi (蔡) states many times, and was even in danger once on the trip. Per the writing in the History Archive, ‘it was because King Chiu of Choh Kingdom (楚昭王) wanted to appoint Confucius to his court, officers of Chan and Choi encircled Confucius for seven days without food. After release, Confucius arrived Choh; shortly afterwards King Chiu died. Lord Chut of Wei (卫出公) wished to recruit him. Confucius replied the asking of Ji Lo ‘ the right title should comes before the taking of the administration.’ After returning to Wei, although he was treated as a Respectful Scholar (养贤), Confucius still did not get any appointment. At the 11th year of Lord Oi of Lo era, i.e. 484 BC, Yim Yau, his disciple, returned to Lo and won the war against Chaai in Long (郎). Gwai Hong Ji (季康子, the prime minister) sent representative with treasure to welcome Confucius to come home. Finally, Confucius arrived home at the age of 68.